Building a Formula 1 Dashboard with iOS 14 Widgets

My F1 Dashboard on iOS 14

Of the 4 widgets on my dashboard only 2 are custom ones. The other two are from Apollo, an iOS Reddit client.

My two custom widgets include showing the time until the next F1 event and the latest articles from

My custom widgets are built with the Scriptable App. This app allows you to write JavaScript and access certain iOS native apis though JavaScript. Also, some how this app is free?? Crazy! Go support it’s creator Simon B. Støvring, by leaving a tip in app.

Time Until Next Event

This widget takes a calendar, grabs the most recent event (within the next 30 days), formats the data, and displays it as X time until Y event. This widget works best as a small widget.

It seems like the Calendar app already handles all the Timezone date wrangling. Or at least it lines up when I use it.

Time until next event widget display example

How To Use

  1. Download Scriptable
  2. Add an F1 Calendar to your device
  3. Open your calendar app and get the name of your f1 calendar.
    • The name for all events from is
  4. Copy the code snippet below and paste it into your script.
    • If you’re using a different calendar name then update the calName variable.
    • i.e. let calName = "my-other-f1-calendar-name-from-the-calendar-app"
  5. Press play on the Scriptable app and view the widget.
  6. Fiddle with the code to get just to your liking.
  7. Place on home screen
  8. Enjoy
// timeUntilNextEvent.js

// Get the F1 calendar on your device and display the next event in relative time

// Calendar name to grab events from. Find this in your calendar app
let calName = '';
// get the calendar
let cal = await loadCalendar(calName);
// format event data
let event = await formatData(cal);
// build widget
let widget = await createWidget(event);
// Check if the script is running in
// a widget. If not, show a preview of
// the widget to easier debug it.
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
	await widget.presentSmall();
// Tell the system to show the widget.

async function createWidget(alt) {
	let gradient = new LinearGradient();
	gradient.locations = [0, 1];
	gradient.colors = [new Color('#e10600'), new Color('#e10600a8')];

	let w = new ListWidget();
	// when widget is clicked it'll take us here in the default browser
	w.url = '';

	// if you wanted a background image here is how to do that
	//let imgUrl = ""
	//let imgReq = new Request(imgUrl)
	//let img = await imgReq.loadImage()
	//w.backgroundImage = img

	w.backgroundColor = new Color('#ffffff');
	w.backgroundGradient = gradient;

	if (!alt) {
		let fallBackTitle = w.addText('No Upcomming Events 😞');
		fallBackTitle.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16);
		fallBackTitle.textColor = Color.white();

		return w;
	// Add spacer above content to center it vertically.
	//   w.addSpacer()

	// Show headline.
	let titleTxt = w.addText(alt.title);
	titleTxt.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16);
	titleTxt.textColor = Color.white();

	// Add spacing below headline.

	let subtitle = w.addText('at ' + alt.loc);
	subtitle.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12);
	subtitle.textColor = Color.white();
	subtitle.textOpacity = 0.9;

	// Add spacing below

	// show date time
	let dateTxt2 = w.addText('on ' + alt.startTime);
	dateTxt2.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12);
	dateTxt2.textColor = Color.white();
	dateTxt2.textOpacity = 0.9;

	// Show relative time
	let dateTxt = w.addText(alt.timeUntil);
	dateTxt.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12);
	dateTxt.textColor = Color.white();
	dateTxt.textOpacity = 0.9;
	// Add spacing below content to center it vertically.
	return w;

async function loadCalendar(calName) {
	// get calendar by name, every time I change it to be friendly it gets reset.
	let cal = await Calendar.forEventsByTitle(calName);
	let today = new Date(;
	// 30 days from now. This will probably show wonky stuff once season is over
	let nextMonth = today.valueOf() + 2592000000;
	let events = await CalendarEvent.between(today, new Date(nextMonth), [cal]);

	return events;

// take f1 calendar and get the most recent event and format it.
// lots of dumb TimeZone stuff I'm pretty sure I got wrong, but close enough.
async function formatData(events) {
	let today = new Date(;

	// time zone stuff that's not needed bc Calendar app handles this
	let tzOffsetHour = today.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;

	// 	today.setHours(today.getHours() - tzOffsetHour)
	let nextMonth = today.valueOf() + 2592000000;
	const dtOpts = {
		hour: 'numeric',
		dayPeriod: 'short',
		month: 'short',
		day: 'numeric',
	const fmt = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', dtOpts);
	const rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat('en', { style: 'narrow' });

	// no events found. return nothing. should handle on display side
	if (events && events.length === 0) {
		return null;
	const nextEvent = events[0];

	let unit;
	let timeVal;
	const startTime = new Date(Date.parse(nextEvent.startDate));

	// Timezone stuff that I think works but don't need
	// 	startTime
	// 	.setHours(startTime.getHours() - tzOffsetHour)

	// time until the event starts in ms
	const startTimeUntil = startTime.valueOf() - today.valueOf();

	// figure out the unit to use the Intl formatter with
	if (startTimeUntil > 86400000) {
		timeVal = startTimeUntil / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
		unit = 'day';
	} else if (startTimeUntil > 3600000) {
		timeVal = startTimeUntil / 1000 / 60 / 60;
		unit = 'hour';
	} else {
		timeVal = startTimeUntil / 1000 / 60;
		unit = 'minute';

	// # debug life

	let timeUntil = rtf.formatToParts(timeVal, unit);
	// only get the text and whole numbers spaces come apart of the formatted value btw
	let timeUntilFmt = timeUntil
		.filter((t) => t.type === 'literal' || t.type === 'integer')
		.map((t) => t.value)

	// # debug life

	return {
		title: nextEvent.title,
		loc: nextEvent.location,
		timeUntil: timeUntilFmt,
		startTime: fmt.format(startTime),

Latest News From

This widget pulls the latest article titles from and displays the 3 most recent titles. Works best as a medium widget.

Latest News Widget Example

How To Use

  1. Download Scriptable.
  2. Make a new script
  3. Delete any content currently in the script
  4. Copy the code snippet below and paste it into your script.
  5. Press play on the Scriptable app and view the widget.
  6. Fiddle with the code to get just to your liking.
  7. Place on home screen
  8. Enjoy
// LatestNews.js

// Get the latest news from

let headlines = await loadItems();
let widget = await createWidget(headlines);

// Check if the script is running in
// a widget. If not, show a preview of
// the widget to easier debug it.
if (!config.runsInWidget) {
	await widget.presentMedium();

// Tell the system to show the widget.

async function createWidget(alt) {
	// add a little red gradient to go over a white background. Feel free to remove and set solid color background
	let gradient = new LinearGradient();
	gradient.locations = [0, 1];
	gradient.colors = [new Color('#e10600'), new Color('#e10600a8')];
	let w = new ListWidget();
	// when clicking on the widget open up the page we're pulling from
	// There might be a way to open apps intead of urls. Not sure
	w.url = '';

	// set white background
	w.backgroundColor = new Color('#ffffff');
	w.backgroundGradient = gradient;

	// if we don't have any data show a message and exit
	if (!alt) {
		let fallBackTitle = w.addText('No News 😞');
		fallBackTitle.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16);
		fallBackTitle.textColor = Color.white();
		return w;
	alt.forEach((t, idx) => {
		let titleTxt = w.addText(t);
		titleTxt.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(14);
		titleTxt.textColor = Color.white();
		// Add spacing below headline.
		if (idx !== alt.length - 1) {

	// Add small footer text showing what the widget is.
	// I don't love this tried at the top as well and just didn't look right.
	// Can't get the spacing right.
	let title = w.addText('Formula 1 Latest News');
	title.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(10);
	title.textColor = Color.white();

	return w;

async function loadItems() {
	// Ths content is property of it's copyright holders. This is for personal use and not for sale.
	// If you just had an open API people wouldn't have to do this _cough_
	// use to pull in our data.
	let url =

	let req = new Request(url);
	let json = await req.loadJSON();
	// debug city should get an array of titles back nested in a could objects

	// access items
	const items = json.result['.f1-cc'];

	// if we got data then return the first 3 items after you clean up their titles or return null

	return items && items.length > 0
		? items.slice(0, 3).map((t) => cleanTitle(t))
		: null;

function cleanTitle(line) {
	// remove anything before the : in the title
	return line
		.replace(/'/g, "'") // add back single quotes '
		.replace(/^.+:/g, '') // remove everything before : i.e. Vote Poll : [Title]
		.replace('Feature', '') // this seems to not follow the above rule
		.trim(); // remove any leading or trailing whitespace