My First Machine, Getting Started with XState and Angular

The reason XState caught my attention is mainly it’s creator, David Khourshid. Specifically, Davids passion and enthusiasm about state machines and state charts really draws me in. It also helps that state machines were a topic covered in my engineering degree. So getting to use something I learned in college directly is always a bonus. So I decided to set out on trying to use XState in a real world example, and the real world for me is building web apps with Angular.

For the uninitiated XState is a finite state machine and statechart library for JavaScript

I’m not going to go into the whys, pros vs cons or “How To” of XState in this post. This post is more of a stream of stream of consciousness on how I built my first machine. Primarily as a record for how my brain works with XState.

Wait no state management libraries?

“Gasp! you mean you’ve never used ngrx, ngxs, akita or [Whatever is currently in fashion]” - probably you

Yeah that’s right. I’ve never used, or really needed the assistance of other well known state management libraries.

Angular services, facades, and reactive programming via RxJS has gotten me through pretty much everything I needed. There have been a few cases where building a somewhat more complex item where a structured system (aka state libraries) would have been easier, but never really needed it at the end of the day.

Okay so why use a state library now?

Mostly out of curiosity and XState really struck a chord with me. Mainly was how David talked about the library and you can just hear that passion. It’s infectious.

So I decided to kick the tires a little and give it a shot.

My First Machine

So my first self assigned task was to use XState to power the logic behind a simple search frontend app I built for work, powered by Meilisearch. The app is pretty simple.

  1. User types into a search box
  2. Query is sent to an api after 300ms of typing inactivity
  3. Transform the result some
  4. Display the results

The first task is to figure out where my Machine will go. That is decently straight forward as the entire idea of the Machine is to take over the state and logic about how state transitions can occur.

Okay, so how do use this thing?

Well I know where I want to put XState into my app, but how do I do that? I’ve figured out it’s easy to start by typing out the TypeScript interfaces and types for it as that forced me learn the scope the machine will take.

So here’s what I think will work initially.

// search.machine.ts

// add this to enable the visualizer, also allow popups
	url: '',
	iframe: false,

// what information do I need to store on the machine?
interface SearchContext {
	// I need to know what the user searched for
	query: string;
	// gotta store the results of query will be helpful
	results: SearchResult[];

// what are the possible "positions" aka states can I be in?
interface SearchStateSchema {
	states: {
		// initial machine state
		idle: {};
		// doing work
		searching: {};

// what triggers movement through my machine?
type SearchEvent =
	// well I need to tell the machine I am making a search
	{ type: 'SEARCH'; value: string } | { type: 'DATA'; value: any[] };

Okay that’s a good start. I now know what the machine has to do. Let’s get basic configuration added

// search.machine.ts

const searchMachine = Machine<SearchContext, SearchStateSchema, SearchEvent>({
  id: 'search',
  initial: 'idle',
  states: {
    idle: {
      on: {
        'SEARCH': {
          target: 'searching'
    searching: {
      on: {
        'DATA': {
           target: 'idle'

Okay so that makes a lot of sense to me from a movement perspective.

Make sure to check out the awesome new visualizer by David, Really helps hammer out what’s going on with your machines.

Now let’s save our search query when sending the SEARCH event.

// search.machine.ts

idle: {
  on: {
    'SEARCH': {
      target: 'searching',
      actions: assign({
        query: (ctx, event) => event?.value

Okay so now we are saving our query

Save Data from API

Okay so now we’d need a way to save any results that come back from any API

The logic of the API call will be the glue between these two states. We’ll do that in a bit

Let’s add an event that will handle this

// search.machine.ts

searching: {
  on: {
    'DATA': {
      target: 'idle',
      actions: assign({
        results: (ctx, event) => event?.value

Make the API Call

In order to have data returned from our call, we need to return an event that XState can understand. We set up a DATA event earlier so that’s what we’ll need to return. {type: 'DATA', value: string[]}

For now we will simulate our API call

// search.machine.ts

// should return {type: 'DATA', value: string[]} as an observable
const doSearch = (ctx, event) => {
	return of(event.value).pipe(
		delay(2000), // network delay
		map((value) => ({
			type: 'DATA',
			value: [value, `${value}, ${value}`, `${value}, ${value}, ${value}`],

Now we need to add this to our services and invoke it.

searching: {
  invoke: {
    src: doSearch,
    onDone: 'idle'

Alright, so that should trigger our DATA event which assigns the returned value into our machines context, specifically context.results

At this point we should be able to send the SEARCH event via the state chart visualizer

	"type": "SEARCH",
	"value": "my query"

Search event via state chart visulizer

After sending that event we should have the DATA event trigger that contains the search results

"type": "DATA",
"value: [
  "my query",
  "my query,my query",
  "my query, my query, my query"

Data event via state chart visulizer

Prevent Invalid Query

We should add a guard, or condition, to prevent running a search on an empty query. We can do this by checking the value from the event.

// search.machine.ts

const isValidSearch = (ctx, event) => event?.value?.length > 0

idle: {
  on: {
    'SEARCH': {
      target: 'searching',
      actions: assign({
        query: (ctx, event) => event?.value
      cond: (ctx, event) => event?.value?.length > 0,

Add Angular to the Party

So now that we have a working machine, let’s add it to our Angular app.

Make a service service for DI. ng g s search

Now consume the machine.

// search.service.ts

private machineSrv = interpret(searchMachine, {devTools: true})

state$ = from(this.machineSrv)
  filter(state => state.changed), // we only want to emit when the state has changed

send(query: string): void {
  this.machineSrv.send('SEARCH', {value: query})

Make a component to use our search.service.ts, ng g c search

In search.component.ts,

// search.component.ts

inputControl = new FormControl('')

  public searchSrv: SearchService
) { }

ngOnInit(): void {
    // wait 300 ms for user to stop typing
  .subscribe(value => this.searchSrv.send(value))

And finally some markup

	<input type="text" [formControl]="inputControl" />
<p>input: {{ inputControl.valueChanges | async }}</p>
<ng-container *ngIf="searchSrv.state$ | async as state">
	<p>Machine Query: {{ state?.context?.query }}</p>

	<br />
		<li *ngFor="let r of state?.context?.results">{{ r }}</li>

	<hr />

	<br />
	<pre>{{ state | json }}</pre>

Okay! That should give us a working machine in Angular.

Here’s the Stackblitz to try for yourself

The Problem

While this machine works, it misses one important UX part. Being able to cancel the ongoing request when a user types a new request while the ongoing request is pending.

You can see this by typing something in the input, wait a second then type more. The second query doesn’t execute because the machine is in the searching state and not able to handle the ‘search’ event.

This is simple with plain RxJS by using the switchMap operator.

searchResults$ = this.inputControl.valueChanges.pipe(
	/// debounce and filter stuff
	switchMap((query) => doSearch(query))

So the question is how do I achieve this same logic flow with XState?

The Solution

There might be a more correct way of achieving this result as I’m only starting with XState.

According to the documentation when using services, i.e. the invoke part of our machine, with a promise or observable the promise is discarded and observable unsubscribed from when moving out of that state. Perfect! so we just need to allow the machine to exit that state when a new query is issued; therefore, canceling the on going service.

Here’s the Exact wording

If the state where the invoked promise is active is exited before the promise settles, the result of the promise is discarded.

and for Observerables

The observable is unsubscribed when the state where it is invoked is exited.

So to allow the state to exit we need to re-transition into the searching state. To do this we just need to lift the SEARCH event to the root level of our machine, instead of keeping it in the idle state. this allows for a search to happen at any time in the machine.

// search.machine.ts

states: {
  idle: {},
  searching: {},
  on: {
    SEARCH: {}

Now when we try to run those searches we can see our state is correctly reflected and discarding the current query if a new one appears.


If we are working with a Promise instead of an Observable. then we can use the ‘onDone’ to handle the promise resolving where will contain the result of the promise. This means we could remove out DATA event from above.

// search.machine.ts

invoke: {
  src: doPromiseSearch,
  onDone: {
    target: 'idle',
    actions: assign({
      results: (ctx, event) =>

We can also add some extra states to our machine to help with UI/UX on the consuming side to handle our Promise rejecting or handle an error that occurs when executing our service.

// search.machine.ts

states: {
  idle: {},
  error: {},// empty because when the next search comes through it'll transition into searching
  searching: {}

and update our service invocation

// search.machine.ts

invoke: {
  src: doPromiseSearch,
  onDone: {
    target: 'idle',
    actions: assign({
      results: (ctx, event) =>
  onError: {
    target: 'error'

Wrap Up

That wasn’t so bad. The hardest part of this machine was figuring out the SEARCH event needed to go at the root of the machine.

Other parting thoughts.

  1. XState docs are pretty good.
  2. XState greatly simplifies the Angular aspect of the code.
  3. UI/UX is simplified because the current state is known. Derive views from that info.

Actually app this machine is used for